Difficult access to credit One of the major obstacles to the Email List start of a business activity by young people are the difficulties in the relationship with the banking system. "Now the spread in access to credit must also be cut, which penalizes agricultural enterprises managed by under 30s which today have half the chances of obtaining financing compared to adult companies" explained the national delegate Email List Giovani Impresa Vittorio Sangiorgio.
Confetti's data are confirmed by another research from the Email List Foscari University of Venice, according to which in five years - from 2006 to 2011 - the decrease in entrepreneurs under 35 was 16% (-64 thousand in absolute terms). The Northeast is the area that Email List has suffered the most, also because it is one with the highest entrepreneurial rate, with a decline of 23%. Agriculture, manufacturing and construction are the sectors most affected by the youth entrepreneurial .
Cabral (8%), Sicily (6.7%), Puglia (6.3%) and Email List(7.6%) are in fact above the national average which is 5.3%. The trade association offers the 16 thousand registered companies an agreement to adopt a Mobile POS solution that allows them to read credit cards directly Email List via mobile devices 07 Feb 2013 While waiting for the use of NFC technology for payments to be established, other more immediate technologies are being tested, such as Mobile POS.