In the end, the "blowout" did not mean a turn to the traditional left or a longing for the past, and that is why the new president's challenge will be to be able to carry forward the banners of social transformation, especially that of a fairer country, but Iceland Phone Number List without overacting. Boric captured in his campaign —which in the second round penetrated the moderate electorate— that there is more of “relative frustration” in the demands for change than longing for the Allende era, With a government of Jair Bolsonaro increasingly unpopular, the defeat of Kast, an ally of Iceland Phone Number List Vox and other global reactionary forces, also constitutes a brake on the extreme right in the region.
With Boric in Chile, the Latin American left adds a new president —and there are those who already place Brazil and even Colombia in this Iceland Phone Number List wake by 2022—. But this "second wave" is much more heterogeneous than the first and, in general, of less programmatic intensity. Faced with a Latin American left worn out after the first "pink tide", from a country like Chile —more institutionalized than others in the region—, perhaps Boric can show a radical Iceland Phone Number List and egalitarian democratic path capable of building stronger welfare institutions (a agenda that took on a new dimension in the pandemic). But it can also mean fresh air in terms of principles: "left populism" in the region ended up being stuck to the political and moral decadence of the Bolivarian project. And Boric has the challenge of showing that progress can be made in the social field without damaging civic culture.
Although that depends not only on Iceland Phone Number List him, but also on the future opposition (both political and social). The record of votes that boosted him to the Currency undoubtedly gives him a power that no one expected days before this election. but also of the future opposition (both political and social). The record of votes that boosted him to the Currency undoubtedly gives him a power that no one expected days before this election. but also of the future opposition Iceland Phone Number List (both political and social). The record of votes that boosted him to the Currency undoubtedly gives him a power that no one expected days before this election. "We hope to do better," he told Sebastián Piñera, politely but forcefully, as he accepted a transitional breakfast. Shortly after, before a crowd, he began what is undoubtedly a new cycle.